This book was about this man he was taken as a slave.
He was in love with a beautiful women he was seprated
from. He was a Jew back then Jews didn't really have
privileges but he did what he had to do to survive the
holocast. He survived the holocast four long years after
the holocast ended his whole family were sloder and his
he lost the love of his like in seconds. His name is Haryy Haft.The Boxer.
I can relate to this to this not in the experience I mean
emotional I can relate because I was once separeted
from the people I love like form instance my grandma
i never meet her but I love her very much when I see
my mom cry about my mom the only thing I could
think of she why does this has to happen to me.
U recommend this book to everyone because it's an
espiring story because it talks about a survivor he
survived because he was a boxer he humered the
soldiers but this Weakness but Harry haft was a espiration.